An indulgent twist on this classic apperitivo. Smooth, strong and delizioso!
25ml gin
25ml Campari
20ml sweet vermouth
12.5ml orange liqueur (Cointreau)
2 dashes of chocolate bitters (Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters)
Orange wedge for garnish
Terry's Chocolate Orange wedge for garnish
In a rocks glass filled with ice, pour gin, Campari, sweet vermouth, Cointreau and chocolate bitters. Stir well. Give your orange wedge garnish a little squeeze before you pop it in the glass. Stir again and add a chocolate orange wedge to garnish too.
Alternatively, you can pre-batch this cocktail*. Just use the correct ratios and pour into a sanitised container. Leave the ice and garnish for when you serve into a glass and stir well.
*in a very cool Storm Trooper decanter